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Bobcat Planer 14"

Rental Rates
Cut and mill concrete and asphalt with the controlled removal process of the planer attachment.
The milling process involves low angle, high velocity blows in a controlled pattern that uniformly chips pavement. Depth, width, and slope control are easily set and maintained by the operator. Milled material can be immediately recycled, nicely finishing any asphalt and repair jobs.
The planer attachment is versatile and durable, delivering high torque for maximum cutting and milling performance.

Dimensions Sideshift: 29.8 in | Maximum Cutting Angle: 15° | Planing Distance Next to Curb: 75.4 in | Drum Diameter: 17.8 in
Length 47.5 in
Width 66.4 in | Drum: 14 in
Height 29.3 in
Depth, Maximum Cutting Max: 6 in
Weight, 1107 lb